Watching a farbrengen is the best way to re-live Yud Shevat with the Rebbe.
JEM has released four farbrengens with English subtitles
Yeshivos, communities, shluchim, high schools etc. often screen part of or a complete farbrengen leading up to a yomie d'pagra and find that if they advertise in advance and print out hanochos or a synopsys of the sichos, prepare some refreshments all add in the success
We have collected all such resources available for these farbrengens
Click here to watch Rabbi Tzvi Grunblat explain the importance of watching a farbrengen of the Rebbe
Viewing Time: 5H 20M
Buy the Full Farbrengen from JEM
Listen to the Farbrengen on Ashreinu.App
Farbrengen Highlights - 10 Shevat 5732
English Article about the Farbrengen from Derher
Hebrew Hanacha on the Farbrnegen, Part One | Part Two
Yiddish Hanacha on the Farbrengen
English Synopsis on the Farbrengen
Viewing Time: 5H 20M
Buy the full Farbrengen from JEM
Listen to the Farbrengen on
Hanacha of the Farbrengen: Yiddish | Hebrew | English
Toichen of the Farbrengen (He & En)
Farbrengen Highlights: 10 Shevat 5735
Article on the Farbrengen from Derher
Pictures of the Farbrengen
Editable sign for the screening: Hebrew | English
Buy the Farbrengen online at
Listen to the Farbrengen on Ashreinu.App
Material for screening Yud Shevat 5741; English & Hebrew Hanocho, Printable Sign
Viewing Time: 3H 20M
Buy the full Farbrengen from JEM
Listen to the Farbrengen on Ashreinu.App
English Hanacha on the Farbrengen
Yiddish Hanacha on the Farbrengen
Hebrew Hanacha on the Farbrengen
English sign for the screening
Viewing Time: 5H 20M (Translated Sichos are 1, 5 & 9)