
28 Sivan Curriculum Sign Up Form for Educators

A New Stage! School Curriculum

  • We are excited to once again offer a curriculum for Chof Ches Sivan.

    This curriculum can be used in two ways; it can be either done in a classroom as a lesson or printed out as a walkthrough/story trail.

    The curriculum consists of two parts:

    • The Miraculous Journey- Telling the story of the Rebbe and Rebbitzen's travels through Europe coming to America. This will be a video with narration for children. 
    • "Chatzi Kador Hatachton" - Explaining the deeper meaning of the Rebbe's coming to America and of Chabad establishing itself on the "lower part of the world" America. This section will be presented by the children.

    Upon completion of this form, you will receive an email shortly with the links to download. Please download them promptly.

     Please do not share the curriculum with any educators outside of your school. 

  • Payment

  • Much time, resources and efforts went into producing this curriculum. A contribution from your school will help cover the costs and enable production of future curriculums.

    Based on how many students will be benefiting from it and which option you chose, we suggest a contribution between $36 - $200. (We suggest $36-$136 for the shorter version and $50 -$200 for the longer version.) We appreciate your partnership!

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