The Rebbe on the Study and Teachings of the Rambam: 23 Videos
Event Date: 12 Tammuz, 5744
The Mishneh Torah was not written only for great Torah scholars. Maimonides himself writes that he composed it in a clear unambiguous style for all Jews – “for small and great alike.
Maimonides - Not for Scholars Only
Event Date: 12 Sivan, 5744
All Jews should unite through Torah, by studying the same subject in Torah at the same time. Since Torah's practical laws are relevant and comprehensible by Jews of all backgrounds, we suggested a cycle of daily study of Maimonides’ Mishneh Torah.
Event Date: 15 Av, 5744
In 1984, the Rebbe initiated a campaign for the daily study of Maimonides’ seminal work, the Mishneh Torah, with the aim of completing the fourteen volumes over the course of a year.
Event Date: 25 Iyar, 5747
The daily study of Maimonides’ works is becoming increasingly widespread. The Mishneh Torah, his Magnum Opus that codifies Jewish Law, serves to guide all Jews through the intricacies of Jewish observance. It is not geared for scholars alone. It guides “small and great alike,” as they pursue their life
On the 15th of Kislev of this year, we conclude the 20th study cycle of the Rambam’s Mishneh Torah. At this Farbrengen, the Rebbe recites a “Hadran,” explaining the conclusion and the beginning, and the connection between them
Event Date: 18 Iyar, 5745
One should search for ways to bring another Jew to the study of Maimonides’ Mishneh Torah. One way is to celebrate the conclusion of Mishneh Torah…
Event Date: 20 Tevet, 5749
Maimonides writes in the introduction to his Code of Jewish law that if one studies the five Books of Moses and goes straight to studying his code, he will know all of Jewish law, of both the Written and Oral Torah. This means that the scope of Maimonides’ codification is beyond anything that ever preceded or followed it!
Event Date: 24 Tevet, 5741
There are many similarities between Maimonides and the Alter Rebbe, the Founder of Chabad Chasidism. They both issued decisions on Jewish law that guide all later generations.
Event Date: 20 Av, 5751
The Rambam teaches that anyone who dedicates himself to G‑d’s work, studying Torah and fulfilling its commandments, can be considered as part of the special tribe of Levi. Such was the case with Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Schneerson, the Rebbe’s father, who gave himself over to the impossible task of providing true leadership to Soviet Jewry the Jews stuck in the USSR. He may have ended up paying with his life for his efforts, but his legacy has far outlived that of his oppressors.
Event Date: 24 Tevet, 5741
There are many similarities between Maimonides and the Alter Rebbe, the Founder of Chabad Chassidism. They both faced extreme opposition to their teachings, yet the opposition fell away. Eventually, their detractors became ardent disciples
Event Date: 10 Tevet, 5749
The Rebbe concludes the yearly study cycle of Maimonides’ Mishneh Torah in his home on President Street, Brooklyn. In the very last law, Maimonides describes the future redemption.
Maimonides – A Light Unto the Nations
Event Date: 11 Iyar, 5737
Maimonides is celebrated as a master of Jewish law and philosophy. Not only do we learn from his scholarly writings, but from the life he led as well – a life dedicated to the physical and spiritual welfare of all people
Maimonides’ Universal Acceptance
Event Date: 11 Nissan, 5745
1985 marked the first Siyum Harambam, closure of the yearly cycle of studying the Mishne Torah, the magnum opus of Maimonides. This project was initiated by the Rebbe to unite all Jews in study, and for the benefit of studying the entire body of Jewish law, as compiled by Maimonides. The universal acceptance of Maimonides is evidenced by his headstone, which is engraved with the words “From (the first) Moses to Moses (Maimonides) there arose none like Moses.” Through the time of the Judges, the Prophets, the Kings and the Sages, the Mishnah and the Talmud, and all of the subsequent Jewish sages, no one could compare to Moses – until Maimonides!
Moshiach-Times: Future Lifestyles
Event Date: 11 Nissan, 5745
Maimonides concludes his code of law, the Mishneh Torah, by describing the era of Moshiach as a time of peace, abundance and enlightenment. All luxuries will be readily available, and yet they will be esteemed in man’s eyes as the dust. As such, we will devote ourselves totally to the study of Torah.
Event Date: 24 Tevet, 5741
There are many similarities between Maimonides and the Alter Rebbe, the Founder of Chabad chasidism. They both issued decisions on Jewish law that guide all later generations.
Rabbi Hurwitz presents the Rebbe with his most recent work on the Rambam. The Rebbe encourages him to continue, and blesses him with “Rambam Nachas.”
The Rebbe is presented with a Kapach edition of the Rambam. The Rebbe thanks the compilers, and requests to receive the future volumes as well. As for a recommendation-letter, use the one that was sent for the first volume.
“The study of Maimonides’ Mishneh Torah is not just for yeshiva students, it is universal.”
A collage surrounding the celebration on completing the sixth study cycle of Mishneh Torah.
Event Date: 20 Iyar, 5743
The Rambam writes, “May they be immediately redeemed”. The Rambam is a book of law, so this must be a law as well! That we must be immediately redeemed.
“Fourteen are the books of the Rambam”
The Rebbe vigorously encourages the Russian version of “Who Knows One?” especially the reference to the fourteen books of the Rambam.
Event Date: 11 Nissan, 5745
Completion of the first study cycle of Maimonides’ code of Jewish law, the Mishneh Torah.
Event Date: 7 Sivan, 5748
The famous song “Who knows One?” sung in Russian. Honoring the Rebbe’s campaign to study Maimonides’ Mishna Torah, the singer adds a fourteenth stanza, “Fourteen are the Books of Rambam!”
Event Date: 11 Nissan, 5745
“Rejoice and exult in the joy of Torah.” The Chassidim sing this Niggun in honor of the first annual Conclusion of Rambam, which the Rebbe had finished immediately prior to this song. From the Simchas Torah prayers.
Rabbi Shmuel Butman recalls the day the Rebbe called him to his house, requesting that he publish a book commemorating the worldwide celebrations of the annual completion of the Mishneh Torah. His due date? Three weeks.