About Basi Legani:
Rabbi Levi Garelik: What is Basi Legani? Why does this famous maamar plays a significant role in Chabad Chassidic life - Part One, Part Two
An Overview of Bosi Legani: Exploring the chassidic discourse that defines our generation - By Naftali Silberberg
A Chassidisher Derher: Overview of the Basi Legani hemshech
Bati L'Gani Unpacked - By Tali Loewenthal
Why We Learn Basi Legani:
In 5710/1950, the Frierdiker Rebbe printed a Maamer that was delivered 27 years earlier, in honor of Shabbos Yud Shevat, the Yahrtzeit of his grandmother, Rebbetzin Rivka. The Mammer, beginning with the words "Basi Legani," marked the beginning of a series of four Maamarim totaling in 20 chapters. The first two were printed before that Shabbos, while the third and fourth were published later that same year. On the day of Yud Shevat 5710/1950, the Frierdiker Rebbe was Nistalek, and as is well-known, one year later, the Rebbe formally accepted the Nesius. During the farbrengen of Yud Shevat 5711/1951, the Rebbe delivered the first Maamer of his Nesius, also starting with the words "Basi Legani." This Maamer delved into the first chapter of this four-Mammer series of the Frierdiker Rebbe, laying the framework for the mission of our generation, Dor Hashvi’i’. Each year, on Yud Shevat, the Rebbe would deliver a Maamer focused on a different chapter. The cycle restarted in 5731/1971, and continued until 5748/1988.
Every year, as preparation for this most auspicious day, Chassidim learn the foundational Maamer of Basi Legani 5711. Additionally, the Basi Legani cycle continues, and we learn the Maamorim the Rebbe said on this year's Chapter. This year, being the fourteenth cycle, Chassidim around the world are learning the Maamorim of 5724 and 5744.