Links and ideas of how to get your community members and friends to join the Torah Study campaign:
Get matched with a local Chavrusah in Crown Heights: Rabbi Kalman Weinfeld via WhatsApp at 347-515-3232.
8 Basic ideas on how to get into studying Torah:
Start by joining the daily study program featuring classes from notable educator Rabbi Josh Gordon OBM and many more.
Join a class with the Jewish Learning Institute or any of the other classes offered at your local Chabad House.
Get online to a Torah learning website, like or
Click here to begin a dialogue with a scholar.
Study one-on-one with a scholar at JNet ot
Walk into a local Chabad-Lubavitch learning place and grab someone to learn with.
Sign up for a retreat with Beit Chana or the National Jewish Retreat.
For Beginners to Judaism guide click here
Recommended websites from JNET to begin your journey through Torah study: | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Recommended Books: is a leading Jewish book publisher in many languages, lots of their books are also available on audible Here. also has many articles and e-books on their website and many lectures and classes. has a full online e-book library.
Guide to a basic Jewish Library. To find out more about the Mivtza of Bayis Maleh Seforim, click Here
For Shluchim: Mivtzoyim Brochures from English | Hebrew
Classes and Torah Study resources from Chabad Young Professionals
Encourage a C-Teener top become an ambassador to Torah and find a study partner!
Youtube channels with many Torah Classes to learn from
Learning Torah Guide from the Shluchim Office PDF
Social Media
Text with Mivtza Introduction to share and go along with social media posts
Articles to Share
What Is Torah? A Comprehensive Overview By Tzvi Freeman
Torah Study: Lighten Up Your Mind
Eternalize Your Mind: Learning Torah By Tzvi Freeman
The Torah: an Anthology Compiled by Yanki Tauber
Videos To Share
Mivtza Limud Hatorah Promo: Rabbi Chaim Markowitz
What the Rebbe had in mind with Mivtza Torah
Detailed plan on how to spread the message of Torah Study in your Community: Question/Plan | Answers to short questions
Ideas for beginners to Judasim from JNET.
Classes to give over
Short presentation on what Mivtza Torah is all about to give over
Judaism Decoded; Course on Limud Hatorah that you can give to your community: Part One, Part Two | Video Classes from JLI on the course.
Shlichus Questions
Can a lady give a Shiur to men?
Are women allowed to give a speech when their audience is 50% men as well?