The videos below are perfect to watch on your own, or with your family, community or school.
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To watch videos of Hei Teves by the Rebbe, go to our "Sichos throughout the years" page.
Watch: Rabbi Mendel Kaplan, Rabbi Moishe New, Rabbi Yitzchok Wolf, & Rabbi Shmuel Lew on Hei Teves.
Celebrating Hei Teves 5784
Join chassidim for a farbrengen celebrating the victory of the sefarim on the 5th of Teves with featured speakers Rabbi Ytosef Greenberg, Rabbi Shmaya Shmotkin, and Rabbi Yosef Chaim Kantor.
Celebrating Hei Teves 5783
Join chassidim for a farbrengen celebrating the victory of the sefarim on the 5th of Teves. Featured speakers: Rabbi Moshe Gourarie, Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky, Rabbi Yosef Minkowitz, and Rabbi Shlomo Uminer.
Celebrating Hei Teves 5782
Join chassidim for a farbrengen celebrating the victory of the sefarim on the 5th of Teves. Featured speakers: Mr. Havey Stone, Mr. Richard Dolan, Rabbi Sholom Ber Levitin, Rabbi Zalman Wolowik, Rabbi Shmaya Shmotkin and Rabbi Moshe Gourarie.
Celebrating Hei Teves 5781
Join chassidim for a farbrengen celebrating the victory of the sefarim on the 5th of Teves. Featured speakers: Rabbi Yitzchak Goldshmid, Rabbi Elkanah Shmotkin and Rabbi Shaye Gopin.
Celebrating Hei Teves - Didan Notzach 5780
From Those Days, For These Times
This webcast first broadcast for Hei Teves 5778 features a Farbrengen with Rabbis Ruvi New and Yossi Lew both of whom were bochurim in 770 during the time of the trail and celebration.
From Trial to Triumph
In honor of Thirty years from Hei Teves (5777), a special event was held near the Rebbe’s Ohel and broadcast around the world, it features Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky and Rabbi Avremel Shemtov followed by a panel of Rabbis Nechemya Vogel, Kasriel Shemtov, Chaim Fogelman and Mendel Shuchat.
Hei Teves 5776