בודאי ישנם כמה וכמה שכבר למדו פירושי הפסוקים דמזמור זה [צ'] בספר תהילים של "נעים זמירות ישראל" שהתחילו לומר בימים אלה כפי שנתבארו בפנימיות התורה, וכבר נתפרסמו בדפוס. (י"ג ניסן תנש"א – בלתי מוגה)

קובץ 'אור וחום ההתקשרות' - אמירת הקאפיטל תהילים של הרבי

Kapital 122 in English and Hebrew from Chabad.org

Mikraos Gedolos, the Rebbe's Kapital with Meforshim: Text Online | PDF

Class on the Kapital from Rabbi Yossi Paltiel: Class One, Class Two, Class Three, Class Four, Class Five, Class Six.

Tehilim insights chapter 122 by Rabbi Nechemia Deitsch

The Secret to Having Your Prayers Answered (Psalm 122) - Rabbi Aaron L Raskin

Sing Along Song for Children

A Collection of Sichos and Maamorim on Kapital 122

The Sicha of 20 Cheshvan 5742:
This Sicha brims with insights on achieving true peace and love for one another as gleaned from Kapital 122, the Rebbe’s new kapital. In this Sicha, the Rebbe enlightens on how it is possible to attain true unity despite the external diversity which exists amongst people. As touched upon in Kapital 122, the Rebbe also explores the indication of Yerushalayim as a space which encapsulated bringing Jews together. Click here for an overview and learning material from JEM.

LAHAK: Sicha from 20 Cheshvan 5742

Subtitled video fo 20 Cheshvan 5742 from JEM

Sichos in English: Sicha of 20 Cheshvan 5742 in celebration of the Rebbe Rashab’s 121st birthday.

This Years Yud Alef Nissan Niggun:

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Yud Aleph Nissan Niggunim Sung in the Rebbe's presence

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