Link to’s Living Torah Archive:

Topics Include:

  • Women First - When G‑d told Moses how to prepare the Jewish people to receive the Torah on Shavuos, He instructed him to speak to the women first, for it was the women’s commitment that would inspire the rest of the Jewish people at the time of the Giving of the Torah—and down through the ages.the women were spoken to first on Har Sinai.

  • The Woman’s Three Special Mitzvot - There are three fundamental mitzvot entrusted to every Jewish woman. Seperating Challah, Lighting Shabbos Candles, and Damily Purity

  • The special qualities that a woman holds and their responsibility in the world - The Talmud states, "It is a man's nature to conquer, not a woman's." To venture out and conquer the world - both materially and spiritually, is the man's task. But once the Jewish home is established, it is the role of the woman to defend it from the "intruder" who seeks to infiltrate with un-Jewish influences. In this, her primary area of responsibility, it is the man’s role to assist her.

  • Heartbeat of the family - The success of our people’s mission rests on the Jewish woman. She engages her husband and children in what they learn and accomplish each day, thereby preparing them for a future of Torah.

  • Women’s Rights - There is a prevalent misconception that in order to demonstrate their equality, women need to imitate men. But the need to imitate someone else implies an inferior self-perception. Rights, namely the opportunity of living a full life and realizing one’s potential, come from understanding one’s own G‑d-given qualities and talents, and developing them to their fullest measure.

There are three fundamental mitzvot entrusted to every Jewish woman.

Separating challah “from the first of your dough” shows that before benefiting from anything in this world, we “set aside an offering for G‑d.” By knowing that the beginning of everything is for G‑d, the entire home becomes a dwelling place for Him. Find out more about Separating Challah here

Every day the Cohen Gadol kindled the menorah’s lights, brightening the Holy Temple and the entire world with divine light. The Midrash teaches that this G‑dly luminescence will return in the merit of Jewish women lighting Shabbos candles, brightening their homes, and passersby with the light of Torah and Mitzvot. Learn more about Mivtza Neshek here

The “Well of Miriam” provided the Jews in the desert the ability to perform the mitzvah of family purity. This commandment is so vital that the entire Jewish people, and even G‑d Himself, waited an entire week in the desert until Miriam could proceed with them. Check out our page on Mivtza Taharas Hamishpacha

To read more about the three Mitzvos for every Jewish Woman click here. To watch a class from Rabbi Shais Taub on the three Mitzvos click here.


Yud Zayin Sivan 5740: Living Torah

Vov Tisrei 5743 (towards the end of the Farbrengen): Sicha | Audio | English

The Rebbe commonly spoke about the idea on Vov Tishrei, for example, Vov Tisrei 5733, Vov Tisrei 5734, Vov Tisrei 5735, Vov Tisrei 5736, Vov Tisrei 5737, Vov Tisrei 5738 and many more. To learn those Farbrengens click here

Family Purity Resource Site:

Resources Include:

  • Read - Read articles and stories about Mivtza Taharas HaMishpacha

  • Watch - Watch videos, Classes and Living Torah about Mivtza Taharas Hamishpacha

  • Learn - Learn Sichos on the Mivtza Taharas Hamishpacha launch

  • Action - Resources & Guides to enhance your efforts in Mivtza Taharas Hamishpacha

Mivtza Neiros Shabbos Kodesh Resource Site:

Resource Include:

  • Read - Interesting Articles and Stories about Mivtza Neshek

  • Learn - Sichos Launching Mivtza Neshek, Sichos Related to the three Mitzvos of a Jewish Women

  • Watch - Videos about Mivtza Neshek and Living Torah Videos connected to Shabbos Candles

  • Action - Resources to enhance your efforts in Mivtza Neshek

Many Sichos related to the Jewish Women were delivered on Chof Beis Shevat, the Yahrzeit of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka, the Rebbe’s wife and Vov Tishrei, Yahrzeit of Rebbetzin Chanah, the Rebbe’s mother.

Check out our resource pages for these dates:

Chof Beis Shevat Resource Site:

Vov Tishrei Resource Site: