Mivtzoyim Brochures from Shluchim.org: English | Hebrew | PDF of Brochure
Websites to share to Encourage Jewish Learning:
For a beginner's guide to Judaism click Here
Where do I start? Talk to your local Chabad rabbi about starting your kids off in Jewish studies.
JLI: Experience Jewish Learning Like Never Before, JLI makes Jewish learning accessible & personally meaningful to every Jew, regardless of background or affiliation.
JNET: JNET helps people like you take time out of a busy workweek to explore their Judaism.
Click here to begin a dialogue with a scholar.
For a full list of websites recommended by JNET to begin your Jewish Learning experience click here
Other Resources to share to encourage Jewish Learning:
Every Jew, no matter what age, should have an opportunity to spend at least a few months in a yeshivah. Click here to read more and see your options.
Sign your kids up in Tzivos Hashem. It’s fun and there are lots of prizes. Sign Up Now | Tzivos Hashem Promo Video
Encourage a C-Teener to join CTeenU to take their Jewish education to the next level! | CTeenU Promo Video | Jewish Law School Promo
Articles To Share
Jewish Education: How It Came About and What It Is Meant to Be By Tzvi Freeman
Boost Up the Kids: Jewish Education
Education Day U.S.A. – The Rebbe's vision for education
Three Take-Aways on Jewish Education
Videos To Share
Overview on Mivtza Chinuch: Rabbi Zalman Fischer
IDEA: Arrange a Proclamation on Education in your town, city or state!
GUIDE: Guide, Ideas & Overview on Mivtza Chinuch for Shluchim - CYP
CLASS: Chinuch = Education or Dedication (prepared and ready to give over) - CYP
Sources, Overview & Guide to Mivtza Chinuch from the CECE Network
Websites created to help in Mivtza Chinuch with resources to help be Mechanech your children in a Chassidishe way: CECE Network | Anash Chinuch
Teachings of the Rebbe on Chinuch
Chassidic Heritage Series: Principles of Education and Guidance (Green): The Rebbe Rayatz wrote this discourse soon after the founding of the original Yeshivat Tomchei Tmimim
The Educator's Handbook: The Torah views one who teaches
Chanoch Lanaar - Ethical Will of the Rashab
HaChinuch V'haMechanech: Combining old-world techniques with modern methodology
Chinuch: The importance of parents giving their children a Jewish education.