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Ve'atah Tetzaveh in English - Sichos In English
English explanation and translation - Simply Chassidus
Ve'atah Tetzaveh with English Translations & Explanations - Lessons in Sefer HaMaamorim
Rabbi Nissan D. Dubov (Audio)
Rabbi Yossi Paltiel - TheYeshivah.net - Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four
Rabbi Yosef Schusterman (3 Different Classes)
Rabbi Bolton (16 parts)
Rabbi Manis Freidman: The Chassidic Discourse That Changed Everything
Nurturing Faith - Rabbi Yisroel Spalter (6 parts)
Rabbi Levi Friedman (5 parts)
Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz: Living with real faith
Rabbi Mendel Kaplan: Who will nurture my faith (10 Parts)
Rabbi Chaim Shaul Deitch Audio | Youtube
Rabbi Zushe Alperowitz (Audio)
Watch: the Rebbe distributes the Maamer Ve'atah Tetzaveh
Editable canva flyer for making a Ve'atah Tetzaveh mivtza in Yeshivah.
Our Moshe & Me: A kid-friendly exploration of themes of Hiskashrus and Geulah from the last kuntres distributed by the Rebbe with excerpts from the original maamar, graphic explanations, Rebbe stories and stimulating discussion and review materials. From Tut Altz. Click here for more information.
Four teachings the Rebbe gave us to live by - by Eli Rubin - based on the Maamer
The historic Maamer and its timeless message (English)
Overview on the Chaluka (Hebrew)
Shabbos Parshas Vayakhel 5752
Yoman in English - Derher
Yoman in Hebrew - Beis Chayenu
Farbrengen: Vaad Hanachos B'lahak