Preparation video for Yud Daled Kislev (5779 - 90 years)

At the Farbrengen of Yud Daled Kislev 5739, on the Rebbe’s 50th anniversary, the Rebbe related that in 5707 (1947) Chassidim prepared gifts for the Frierdiker Rebbe in honor of his wedding anniversary, 13 Elul 5657 (1897). The Rebbe, then serving as the director of Kehos, presented to the Frierdiker Rebbe a newly printed book each day of the anniversary of Sheva Brochos. The Rebbe emphasized the great Nachas this gave the Frierdiker Rebbe.

So too, when a special milestone anniversary for the Rebbe and Rebbetzin was approaching, Chassidim around the world would make good resolutions in connection with the respective number, and it was apparent to all that the Rebbe derived tremendous Nachas from it.

Read more about Matanos for Yud Daled Kislev here

During the same Farbrengen of Yud Daled Kislev 5739 the Rebbe discussed the idea of having a Farbrengen on this day: “In this country, it is common practice that when one celebrates a significant number of years since his wedding day, he holds a gathering for his relatives and friends. Our Chachomim tells us that when one enters into a city, he is to follow its practices. Hence, we hold this Farbrengen in accordance with the above instructions. And being Jews who strive to associate all that we do with our Avodas Hashem, His Torah, and its ways, we consequently utilize such an opportunity as a chance to increase our study of Torah and adherence to its Mitzvos, and as a preparation for Yud-Tes Kislev. And this is especially so when, like this year, we celebrate and commemorate a special milestone; fifty years!”

Click here for informaation regarding the central Fabrengen for Yud Daled Kislev.

In the year 5739 after the Fabrengen that the Chassidim held in honor of Yud Daled Kislev - 50 years, Rabbi Dovid Raskin, chairman of the Lubavitch Youth Organization, wrote a “Duch” to the Rebbe with all the details from the Farbrengen. The Rebbe responded, “Surprisingly dancing which has been mentioned many times regarding [the wedding] is not mentioned here!”

[MUSIC: Od Yishama | Samach T'Samach |  

On 13 Elul 5741 - the wedding anniversary of the Frierdiker Rebbe, the Rebbe discussed a special lesson that can be learned from a wedding.


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