Yud Aleph Nissan Celebrations - Ashreinu.App

Regarding Yud Alef Nissan Matanos, The Rebbe related in the Farbrengen of Purim 5732: “Now is the time to make clear, first and foremost the emphasis should be on Inyanim of Torah. And not by giving away money, Tzedaka, for those learning Torah and Torah institutions, although Tzedaka is also commendable and brings down many great Brochos, rather by actually learning Torah.

“In other words, plain and simply said, those who wish to give presents, and no-one is required to do so, should add in Torah.

“Although in general one cannot make conditions on a gift, the whole point is to give Nachas Ruach, [so I am making clear what I prefer]. Whatever it might be, Tzedaka in this way, more activities, good actions, its Nachon, and Tov, and Yashar, and Naim, (with all the 15 expressions in Vaytziv V’nachon) everyone should add in some way in Torah study.

“And as mentioned earlier [in the Sicha] both in Nigleh and in Chassidus.”

It is no question that every Chossid works diligently during the weeks leading up to Yud Alef Nissan to give the Rebbe a Matana befitting the day. It is our hope that the following resources help you with your Hachanos for Yud Alef Nissan.

Gifts of Torah - the Rebbe tells us what he wants for his birthday - JEM

Celebrations and Gifts - the Rebbe's instructions and response

Giving of Oneself - A Chassidisher Derher

The Greatest Pleasure - The Rebbe's appreciation

Ksav Yad Kodesh - List of 11 Nissan publications - Yud Alef Nissan 5742

JEM: Living Torah - The Ideal Gift

The Rebbe thanks Chassidim for coming for Yud Alef Nissan

Stay for my Birthday! - Ksav Yad

Yom Chashuv L'atzmo - The Rebbe instructs Chassidim to go on Mivtzoim on Yud Alef Nissan - Sicha

Opportune time for Mivtza Pesach - Ksav Yad

Mivtza Tank Parade, Yud Alef Nissan 5747 - Video

Mivtza Tank Parade, Yud Alef Nissan 5748 - Video

Learning the Rebbe's Torah is a great way to celebrate the Rebbe's birthday. For a collection of material from each year we were Zoche to spend Yud Alef Nissan with the Rebbe, click here

For a Shiur in the Maamer Bayom Ashtei Asar by Rabbi Yisroel Altein with learning resources, click here

Yud Aleph Nissan Niggunim Sung in the Rebbe's presence

Previous Yud Aleph Nissan Niggunim Archive

Shiru Lo Shir Chodosh