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Click here for Shiruim on Basi Legani throughout the years | Click here for 5711
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Whatsapp Group from Seder D'ach of 770 for updates and discussions on this years Basi Legani | Full archive and resources from Seder D'ach
Chapter 15 of the Frierdiker Rebbe's Mammer
Chapter 15 with English translation and explanation from Sichos in English
Link to Whatsapp group for discussions on Basi Legani 5725
Rabbi Shlomo Zarchi: Zichronos from Basi Legani 5725
קובץ באתי לגני תשכ"ה עם מ"מ והוספות
Maamer Basi Legani 5725 (Old Print) | Audio - Ashreinu.app (Chazarah from Reb Yoel Kahn)
Farbrengen Yud Shevat 5725: Toras Menachem | Sichos Kodesh | Muga - Liku"s 6, Page 167 Haorah 34 | Audio
From JEM.TV: "My Dear Child" The study of Chassidism must penetrate to one’s cure. like the simple “village-Jew” that fainted upon hearing about the death of his father.
Rabbi Shlomo Kaplan - Seder D'ach
לה"ק ואידיש:
הרב יואל כהן: חזרה
Yud-Alef Shevat, Parshas Beshalach
Maamer Basi Legani 5745 | (Old Print)
Farbrengen: Toras Menachem | Sichos Kodesh | English
Tes-Vov Shevat
Maamer Arbaah Rashei Shonim 5745
Farbrengen: Toras Menachem | English | Audio
Yud-Ches Shevat, Parshas Yisro
Farbrengen: Toras Menachem | English
Rabbi Yossi Paltiel (Including Hemshechim
לה"ק ואידיש: