
In Response to your letter

  • in response to your letter-04.png

    Resources for Nshei Chabad Event 

    Event information: Host an interactive Zoom or in person event for your community. Use prepared resources and invite a facilitator to present the materials. Add a personal touch by inviting someone to share a personal story with the Rebbe. 

    Theme: In Response To Your Letter

    Igros Kodesh: Treasure and Lifeline

    Join communities from around the world for inspirational learning events in preparation for Yud Shvat. Study the Rebbe's letters to gain insight into the Rebbe’s perspective on various issues.

    Fascinating Excerpts | Engaging Videos | Thought-provoking Discussions

    Feature video
    Highlighting first hand experiences of Chassidim connecting to the Rebbe personally via correspondence and exploring how we can tap into this unlimited treasure recorded in the Igros Kodesh.

    Igros Kodesh, how chassidim live with the letters then and now.

    The video will be followed by a 45 min class exploring a few sample letter on a variaty of topics. 

    Topics include:

    • When Life Isn't Perfect

    • Foundations for a Harmonious Home

    • Finding My Personal Calling

    • Can "No Plan" Really be the Better Plan?

    Event goal:  

    Discover the gems in Igros Kodesh as you prepare for the holy day of Yud Shevat.

    Learn from the Rebbe's guidance and  directives to people like you in response to their burning questions. 

    The Rebbe's answers are fresh, relevant, and easily applied to enrich our lives.

    Facilitators: There is a list of available Guest Facilitators from around the world that you can contact for your community event. We also encourage using local Shluchos/Mechanchos to lead the discussions.  

    Suggested time:  The topics will be available in the 10 days leading up Yud Shevat (Jan 14 - Jan 23). Each topic is around 45 minutes and should be preceded by the general video introduction.

    Suggested format: To make the Hachana more personalized for the various age groups and interests in your community, we are preparing more than one topic. You can offer them as options or as a series of events.

    Suggested age: Various topics might be more interesting for different age groups but the material is generally appropriate for post seminary + and can easily be adapted for seminaries and high schools.

    Resources available upon registering:

    • Customizable Flyer and Save the date

    • Facilitator's Guide

    • Student Guide

    • Ideas to to interact with participants throughout the event

    • Video introduction

    • List of suggested facilitators ($100 fee to be paid directly to facilitator)

    • Meeting for organizers ahead of the event offering Zoom and other practical advice

    • Meeting for facilitators ahead of the event

    • Network with community leaders from around the world bringing this event to their city

    • Branded postcard

    • Sample google form to personalize for your community

    For any questions or comments please email [email protected] 

    For questions about the material, message: 248-255-2451 

  • In Response To Your Letter

  • As soon as you select and confirm your facilitator, please update us on WhatsApp or email. 

  • Much time, resources and efforts went into producing this program. A contribution will help cover the costs and ensure that we can continue creating additional resources throughout the year.

    We suggest a contribution of $54 - $360. We appreciate your partnership!  

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