A Chassidisher Derher: "Marching Forward" – Excerpts from the maamar ‘Basi Legani' 5711
A Chassidisher Derher: Overview of the Basi Legani hemshech
Text of the Maamer in Hebrew from Lahak
English translation by Eli Touger
English from Lessons in Sefer Hammamorim
A journey with seven riveting personalities through the foundational Maamer Basi Legani 5711
Rabbi Yosef Shusterman 6 parts (English)
Rabbi Shais Taub (English) part 1 (1), part 2 (2-3), part 3 (4-5) & part 4 (6-9
Rabbi Yossi Paltiel (English) part 1, part 2
Rabbi Shloma Kaplan 5782: Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four,
Rabbi Shneur Z Cohen, Chabad Sheapshead Bay: Part One, Part Two, Part Three
Rabbi Levi Y New: Part One, Part Two, Part Three
Rabbi Chay Amar: "Basi Legani" The Rebbes First Maamar
Shiur by Rabbi Golomb in 770 (English)
Rabbi Moshe New - Or Vechom (English)
Rabbi Menachem Dovruskin (Hebrew) Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
מאמר "באתי לגני" תשי"א - הרב יעקב יוסף קופרמן
מאמר באתי לגני תשי"א, הרב אשר פרקש
For Kids:
Children's Curriculum on Basi Legani 5711 - Clickable PDF with links to a new amazing curriculum teaching the ideas of Basi Legani 5711! Includes discussion points for teachers, Song, Coloring book to the song, and more! With Thanks to Morah Mushka Heidingsfeld for sharing this freely.
Basi Legani 5711 for Kids - English (level 2) (level 3)
ShluchimKids.org: Basi Legani 5711 and a Yud Shevat Checklist
Watch: Mamar Basi Legani For Children • Tzivos Hashem Rally Yud Shevat 5775
A journey with seven riveting personalities through the foundational Maamer Basi Legani 5711
Rabbi Moshe New: Basi Legani 5711
מאמר "באתי לגני" תשי"א - הרב יעקב יוסף קופרמן