The Rebbe stressed that learning Torah is the gift he wants, and what better Torah is there to learn than the Rebbe’s Torah?

To assist your community in giving the Rebbe gifts of Torah in honor of Yud-Alef Nissan, we have collected a list of learning initiatives that your community can take on.

Here is a canva template with encouraging words regarding learning the Rebbe's Torah for Yud Alef Nissan.

  • Learn the Maamer of וקבל היהודים תשי"א in three Shiurim with a comprehensive teachers guide. The full learning curriculum is packed with illustrations, stories, anecdotes, and exercises to bring the deep and meaningful ideas of this powerful maamar to life. We will also be providing the maamar with nekudos and brief translation to be learned in preparation to the shiur by the attendees. Click here to learn more and receive the material. 
  • 30 Letters in 30 Days. Learn a letter of the Rebbe every single day leading up to Yud-Alef Nissan with Rabbi Shais Taub. Visit to learn more and see our community resources. 
  • Farbrengen and Drasha material for Yud Alef Nissan 120 Years from Or Vechom Hahiskashrus

Click here to see a collection of resources to make a screening of one of the 5 subtitled 11 Nissan farbrengens by JEM. 

Yud Aleph Nissan falls out days before Pesach, of course, and as such, it’s a most appropriate time to fulfill this important mivtza. We are pleased to present our Mivtza Matzah resource site, for articles, videos and information about the Mivtza launch and practical tips and suggestions for doing the Mivtza in your community. Click here to be redirected to the page.

Mivtza Matzah social media posts editable in Canva